Winner Takes All (Checkmate 7)

To win, is to win it all. But to lose, means you're all alone.
Spencer Serrano is seven feet of f*cked up.
He’s crude, flirtatious, and far more dangerous than his stupid jokes imply.
Abigail Rosa lives her life inside a bubble, placed there by those who love her, kept there by the respect she has for them.
She knows they mean well, but the day Spence visits her shop with his filthy mouth and lack of manners, is the day her world is flipped upside down.
Abigail isn’t inclined to give the giant jerk a minute of her time, but he’s determined to conquer her in every way.
Just as he’s beginning to make progress, Checkmate alarms are raised.

Spence only plays games he knows he’ll win, but this one might be unwinnable. Together, they must fight for life—for a future.
The loser will end up alone.
But the Winner Takes All.
